Moody`s Investors Service and Standard & Poor`s have initiated their credit ratings of A.P. Moller - Maersk A/S by assigning long-term credit ratings of Baa1 and BBB+, respectively. Both ratings have "stable" outlook.
These investment grade ratings reflect the A.P. Moller - Maersk Group`s scale, leading market positions, diversification of businesses, strong balance sheet, solid operating cash flow generation and a well balanced growth strategy.
The ratings have been assigned to A.P. Moller - Maersk A/S as issuer, as well as its EUR 5bn EMTN program and all of its outstanding bonds in EUR, GBP, NOK and SEK.
Trond Westlie, Group CFO of A.P. Moller - Maersk A/S, commented "the assignment of these credit ratings by the agencies is a recognition of the strong market positions of the Group`s various businesses and continues the increased transparency of the Group`s financials given to the markets over the last years.
"Whilst A.P. Moller - Maersk A/S already benefits from strong access to the debt capital markets with USD 5bn equivalent of bonds outstanding in European currencies, the public credit ratings will allow A.P. Moller - Maersk A/S to diversify its debt investor base further, access the USD bond markets directly and achieve further improved terms for our funding.
A sound financial policy, strong liquidity buffers and a clear strategic direction with a strong capital structure have all been instrumental in achieving these investment grade ratings today" said Trond Westlie. < Korea Shipping Gazette >
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