The Port of Los Angeles released its January 2013 cargo volumes. Overall volumes decreased 4.25% compared to January 2012. The decrease was due to a vessel service that shifted out of the Port of Los Angeles.
Imports decreased 5.32%, from 356,394 TEU in January 2012 to 337,428 TEU this January. Exports dropped 5.44%, from 168,427 TEU in January 2012 to 159,257 TEU in January 2013.
Combined, total loaded imports and exports for January decreased 5.36%, from 524,821 TEU last January to 496,685 TEU in January 2013. Factoring in empties, which slipped 0.91% year over year, overall January 2013 volumes (669,000) decreased 4.25% compared to January 2012 (698,715 TEU). < Korea Shipping Gazette >
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