2013-02-05 11:12

Congestion Charge is imposed at USEC by ILA on February 7

As a precaution in the event of a strike Evergreen filed a Congestion Charge earlier this year to cope with possible ramifications resulting from such labor actions. The Congestion Charge will be applied as follows:

▲ U.S. East & Gulf Coasts – Imports

All cargos which were received at non U.S. ports of loading either prior or subsequent to February 7, 2013, (00:01), which are scheduled to arrive at any U.S. East or Gulf Coast Port on or after February 7, 2013, (00:01) will be assessed a Congestion Charge as follows:

- USD 800 per 20' container
- USD 1,000 per 40' container
- USD 1,125 per 40' high-cube and reefer container
- USD 1,266 per 45' high-cube container

▲ U.S. East & Gulf Coast – Exports

All export cargo including IPI cargo received by Carrier or its agent for ultimate shipment from a U.S. East and Gulf Coast Port on or after February 7, 2013, (00:01) will be assessed a prepaid Congestion charge as follows:

- USD 800 per 20' container
- USD 1,000 per 40' container
- USD 1,000 per 40' high-cube and reefer container
- USD 1,000 per 45' high-cube container

The above charges will continue in effect until the labor action and its related port congestion ceases to exist, at which time Evergreen will provide notice via Customer Advisory on its website referred to above.

▲ U.S. West Coast and Canada

As no immediate risk of port congestion is expected on U.S. West Coast and Canadian ports as of February  7, 2013, (00:01), the application will not be applicable to shipments through the U.S. West Coast and Canada until further notice.

This Congestion Charge shall be payable on a freight collect basis for cargo destined for U.S. East and Gulf Coast Ports and on a prepaid basis for cargo being exported from the U.S. East and Gulf Coast Ports unless otherwise agreed by Carrier and Shipper.

If there should be no labor action affecting cargo movement to or from the U.S., Evergreen Line may in its sole discretion decide not to apply the Congestion Charge. < Korea Shipping Gazette >

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