Busan Port Authority (BPA, President Lim Ki-tack) will join 'Industry Innovation Movement' organized by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and support voluntary innovation activities in order to improve the productivity of SMEs.
"Industry Innovation Movement" refers to a new mutual growth paradigm that can enhance the productivity of an entire corporate ecosystem. It aims to support productivity improvements for SMEs by expanding mutual growth from large corporations and their primary vendors to secondary and tertiary vendors. The project was initiated in 2013 and has achieved fruitful results by supporting 1500 companies in 2013 and 1400 companies in 2014.
In this respect, BPA has planned to provide 163 million won by 2017 since joining the industry innovation movement last year. Moreover, BPA plans to carry out more support by recruiting small and medium companies in the maritime port sector that are interested in joining the industry innovation movement. The recruitment will last until the end of July and companies that join the movement will be provided with consulting services, facility investment, technology support and training.
BPA President Lim stated, "We will do our best to produce excellent results by participating in the program actively in order to aid the development of Busan Port maritime port SMEs."
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