MCC Transport has launched its Philippines Feeder 4 (PH4) service. Young Poong Corporation, MCC Transport's consigner, changed its export location to Donghae Port and its spelter export base from Busan to Donghae.
MCC Transport has deployed seven 1,300-TEU container ship. The rotation is Cagayan de Oro-General Santos - Dabaw - Keelung - Shanghai - Ningbo - Busan - Vladivostok - Donghae - Lianyungang - Shanghai - Yantian - Hong Kong.
The new service will strengthen relations between MCC Transport and Donghae Port.
MCC Transport is planning to attract mainstream spelter producers as a major export item along with alloy steel, cement, etc.
Donghae Port expects to reap the annual benefits of 4.6 billion won and employ about 50 more people as additional personnel, equipment wharf operators, carriers, and repair companies.
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