Containerized cargo volume climbed 7.6% in July at the Port of Long Beach compared to the same month one year ago, with both imports and exports showing solid increases.
A total of 562,166 TEU moved through Long Beach in July. Imports increased 12.9% to 294,926 TEU. Exports were up 6.2% to 132,290 TEU.
Empty containers were down 1.3% to 134,950 TEU in July. With imports exceeding exports, empties are sent overseas to be refilled with goods.
For the first seven months of 2013, 13.2% more cargo has moved through Long Beach compared to the same period in 2012 including 15.7% more imports, 9.5% more exports and 12% more empties. These increases are in part due to the larger ships calling at the Port more frequently and the addition of service lines starting in the last part of 2012. < Korea Shipping Gazette >
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