2022-10-25 09:02

IATA CEIV Lithium Batteries Makes it Four for Hactl

Hong Kong’s largest independent handler – has successfully obtained accreditation under IATA’s CEIV Lithium Batteries (Li-batt) standard. Hactl now holds all four IATA CEIV accreditations (Pharma, Fresh, Live Animals, Li-batt). Lithium battery air cargo shipments are becoming ever more commonplace, as more and more devices – ranging from mobile phones and laptops, through e-bikes and scooters to electric vehicles – now incorporate them. Recent e-commerce growth has also led to an increase in the airfreighting of articles containing lithium batteries.
With the well-documented risks arising from incorrect packaging and handling of battery shipments, Hactl has been steadily tightening its procedures and improving resources for handling such traffic over recent years. Measures to date have included additional in-house staff training to IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) standards (Hactl being an IATA Accredited Training School since 2003, authorised to train its own and third party staff) and IATA Lithium Battery Shipping Regulations.

It has also opened a dedicated DGR zone with competent, experienced staff; and undertaken proactive facilitation of agents and shippers in the correct declaration, handling and storage of lithium battery shipments. Says Brendan Sullivan, Global Head of Cargo, IATA: “CEIV Li-batt brings vitally important regulation and consistency to the potentially hazardous business of transporting lithium batteries by air. We delighted that Hactl has adopted this latest accreditation scheme, following their successful certification under all other CEIV standards. In doing so, they are helping to promote its importance for the entire handling sector.”
Adds Hactl Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer Amy Lam: “Lithium batteries will become an increasing element of air cargo traffic globally, so ensuring the correct procedures and training for handling them has never been more important. “Although Hactl has been fully prepared and resourced for such traffic for some years, we recognise that every link in battery supply chains must perform its functions to a consistent and high standard. We therefore strongly support the concept of IATA’s CEIV Lithium Batteries standard – the first for handling this specific commodity – and were enthusiastic adopters.” 

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