2022-08-02 08:59

Hactl Pioneers Logistics in Training Accreditation

Hong Kong’s largest independent air cargo handler – has become the first cargo terminal and logistics corporation to have its training courses received accreditation under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF). The four courses which are now recognised under HKQF are Hactl’s Certificate in Special and Temperature Controlled Cargo Handling For Supervisors (QF Level 3); its Certificate in Dangerous Goods Awareness Training For Handlers (QF Level 2); its Certificate in Conflict Resolution (QF Level 3); and its Certificate in Service Excellence (QF Level 3). The accreditations are valid for two years and subject to re-accreditation.
HKQF was launched in 2008 by the HKSAR Government, covering qualifications in the academic, vocational and professional as well as continuing education sectors. Its aim is to promote lifelong learning to enhance the quality, professionalism and competitiveness of Hong Kong’s workforce. QF qualifications are quality-assured, and rated against defined standards. To ensure courses are suited to the needs of different industries, Industry Training Advisory Committees – comprising employers, employees, professional bodies and regulatory bodies of the relevant industries – draw up competency standards covering each industry’s key functional areas.
To achieve QF recognition for its courses, Hactl underwent Initial Evaluation to verify its capacity and resources to run the courses on a sustainable basis. Each course was then evaluated to determine whether its planning and management, syllabuses, delivery arrangements and assessment methods could achieve its claimed objectives and learning outcomes. The entire process took around one year, and was complicated by the need for Hactl to adjust the syllabuses of the original programme to meet the competency standards of QF. Says Steve Lai, General Manager of Qualifications Framework Secretariat: “It is a great pleasure to welcome Hactl as a new QF-recognised training provider. Providing quality-assured QF-recognised training to colleagues will definitely enhance the professionalism of Hactl’s workforce and the air cargo industry at large in the long run.” 

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