2021-12-14 09:03

Rhenus Commits to 100 Percent Carbon Neutral LCL Product by 2030

Rhenus Logistics, a leading global logistics service provider, will neutralize the carbon emissions of all of its less-than-container-load (LCL) products by 2030. Starting from 2022, cargo shipped with the Rhenus Consolidation Box out of Hilden Gateway will be carbon neutral, with no additional costs to customers. The service will progressively roll out through all gateways in which Rhenus operates worldwide.
As one of the leaders in the logistics industry, Rhenus has full responsibility for its actions and decisions. Sustainability is a priority in the company's business. That is why Rhenus would like to transform the existing services into environmentally friendly options to shape a better future for customers and partners.
"We are not only striving to make logistics simple for our customers, but also doing our part to support the environment, such as investing in sustainability projects," said Jan Harnisch, Global Chief Operating Officer at Rhenus Air & Ocean.
With green thinking firmly established throughout the Rhenus operations, the carbon-neutral LCL product marks a new milestone in its sustainability strategy. Rhenus Logistics launched the world's first CO2 reduction program for airfreight, RHEGREEN, in 2019. Since 2015, Rhenus has undergone an annual assessment by, and received the Silver Status for several years from EcoVadis, an independent agency that evaluates corporate social responsibility-related activities in accordance with international standards.

On-going green logistics efforts worldwide include a seven-year continuous annual tree-planting activity in India, climate-neutral warehouse locations with green infrastructure like renewable energy and LED lighting as well as electric mobility and recyclable packaging in Asia and Europe, energy management system implementation across Germany and the Netherlands and a Rhenus Logistics Corporate Forest to support agroforestry projects. Rhenus continues to explore green ideas and new technologies, in collaboration with research institutions, partners and customers, to make the global supply chain more sustainable. 

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