2021-08-31 08:57

CMA CGM Group Opens Its Largest Container Depot in Indonesia

The CMA CGM Group, a world leader in shipping and logistics, opened today its fourth and largest container depot in Cakung, East Jakarta, Indonesia. Occupying a site of 35 000 sqm with an operating capacity of more than 4,000 TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent units) containers, the new facility demonstrates the Group’s commitment to go the extra mile for Indonesian shippers.
Indonesia is synonymous with produce such as paper and rubber among others; as well as manufactured garments, footwear and electronic products that CMA CGM ships with care following cargo priming at its various depots.
CMA CGM depots handle more than just container stuffing, cleaning and repair as well as pre-trip inspection, pre-cooling of containers and reefer monitoring services. They specialise in converting and outfitting standard containers into customized containers such as Garment on Hanger containers which keep garments in pristine conditions from factory to shops. The depots have also expertise in installing Traxens devices on containers for end-to-end visibility by shippers; and Flexitank in containers for transportation of liquids such as fish oil from Indonesia.
The Cakung depot is the latest addition to three other CMA CGM depots in Marunda (Jakarta), Cikarang, and Surabaya. With the Marunda facility operating at full capacity, the opening of the new Cakung depot is timely in catering to Indonesia’s growing exports. Given the Cakung depot’s close proximity to the neighboring industrial warehouses, travel time and distance between the facilities are significantly reduced. Importantly, shippers now have two depot options by the Group in Jakarta that they can rely on for their logistics and shipping needs.

John Lim, General Manager of CMA CGM Indonesia, declares: “Our new depot in Cakung is designed to improve our inland logistics service and optimise our shipments in BETTER WAYS. Increasingly, we are handling more customised cargoes such as Garment on Hanger containers and Flexitank containers for liquids that will require special handling by our in-house experts. Our depots are therefore important in enabling CMA CGM to fulfill the high standards we promise our Indonesian exporters and shippers.” 

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