2021-05-11 08:57

Launching the Most Environmentally Friendly Car Carrier Ever Built

Höegh Autoliners is accelerating its decarbonisation efforts to meet its goal of a zero emissions future. Today’s Aurora Class launch is a crucial step in the company’s sustainability commitment. Designed for 9,100 car equivalent units it will also be the world´s largest car carrier.

“With the future of cargos and zero carbon fuels in mind, the Aurora vessels is designed for a greener future. It is the most environmentally friendly car carrier ever built. The Aurora Class represents a big step on our path to a zero emissions future.” says Höegh Autoliners´ Chief Executive Officer Andreas Enger. “We have entered a Memorandum of Understanding with our professional and long-term partner Xiamen Shipbuilding Industry. This will make it possible to have the first vessel delivered by the end of 2023.” the CEO continues.
Höegh Autoliners has a solid history on emission cuts and long-term efforts to combating climate change. We have since 2008 achieved an improved carbon intensity of 37 per cent in our fleet. This has put us in the forefront in sustainable shipping in the deep-sea RoRo segment. The Aurora class is designed to transport the cargo of the future. Its strengthened decks and enhanced internal ramp systems, enable Electric Vehicles on all decks and provides more flexibility for heavier project cargo.
The Aurora Class’ multi-fuel engine can run on various biofuel and conventional fuels, including LNG. With minor modifications it can transition to use future zero carbon fuels, including Green Ammonia. Hans Eivind Siewers, Segment Director Passenger Ships & RoRo at DNV says “With the multifuel engine and DNV’s new ammonia ready notation, Höegh Autoliners is bringing the segment and work to decarbonise the maritime industry to a new level. The Aurora design will further meet the enhanced safety standards and reduce environmental footprint significantly. DNV are proud to support Höegh Autoliners on their path to zero. With the right partners, technology and mindset, we will be able to achieve a safe and sustainable maritime industry.”
Being ready for zero carbon fuels and taking advantage of the latest technology on everything from energy optimization to internal ramp systems the Aurora Class will bring decarbonisation and cargo efficiency to a new level. This will reduce Höegh Autoliners carbon footprint and support decarbonising customers’ supply chain. 

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