2021-09-28 09:06

DHL eCommerce Solutions is Recognized as a Great Place to Work in Australia

DHL eCommerce Solutions (DHL), a division of the world's leading logistics company, Deutsche Post DHL Group (DPDHL), has been certified as a Great Place to Work in Australia. This is the first time the company is participating in the program, and earning this accolade is a monumental achievement given that it has been a challenging year for the business and people, both personally and professionally.
Denise McGrouther, Managing Director, DHL eCommerce Solutions, Australia said, "This certification recognizes the fantastic efforts each employee puts in, to create a positive and inclusive work environment despite such a turbulent year. The exemplary teamwork and leadership shown by colleagues and supervisors, especially over the past 18 months, is phenomenal. It goes to show that our approach of being extremely transparent in our communications to all employees, is working well and this is definitely the highlight of our success."
The boom in e-commerce sales over the past 18 months, combined with a 90% reduction [1]in air freight capacity and new COVID safety protocols presented challenges that would have been unimaginable during pre-COVID times. Yet, through DHL's "People First" culture, the company has navigated successfully through these challenges, by being open and transparent with employees and showing tremendous resilience to adjust and adapt as required.
A recent internal "Future Workplace" survey conducted by DHL showed that 100% of respondents favor balancing working from both home and office, with 96% opting for the preference to spend about two to three days in the office each week. The survey also recorded a year-on-year growth in employee engagement despite decreased face to face interactions. "The accelerated shift to work from home, where possible, has led to happier, more productive employees. We continue to assess the status quo, look to a hybrid approach to work, while ensuring that our people continue to foster strong team engagement," said McGrouther.
Every year, Great Place to Work®, a global people analytics and consulting firm, assesses the work experience of employees through their certification program. This time around, 100% of the team participated in the Great Place to Work survey to provide their feedback about the company. Submissions were judged according to the following criteria: Credibility, Fairness, Pride and Camaraderie. 

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