2020-07-14 10:11

The CMA CGM Group Simplifies its Trade Network

The CMA CGM Group, a world leader in shipping and logistics, continues the simplification of its container trade offering. As part of its continuous drive to offer the most relevant product to its customers, the CMA CGM Group seeks to permanently adjust its operating setup and network. 

Thanks to its operational efficiency and business agility, the CMA CGM Group is positioned to achieve superior growth while optimizing its cost base. 

This long-standing strategy allows the Group to adapt to the economic and trade environment. From 1st October, CMA CGM will become the sole commercial carrier of the Group operating in the Transpacific : The CMA CGM Group is fully committed to ensuring the continuity of the Group's commercial operations and the highest quality of service levels experienced by its customers. 

By capitalizing on the expertise, knowledge and footprint of its resources under CMA CGM, the Group will be able to serve its customers more effectively and focus on delivering complete, tailored solutions in the Transpacific market. As a carrier, APL will focus exclusively on servicing the United States Government : APL, a long-time service partner for the U.S. Government, will leverage its experience providing U.S. Flag services to solidify and enhance the Group's specialization in this key business segment. 

APL will also continue its efficient service to the Guam-Pacific trade which directly benefits the people of Guam and Saipan. Ed Aldridge, President of CMA CGM and APL in the United States, stated: We are leveraging the very best of CMA CGM and APL, two major carriers in the U.S., to bring our customers an even more focused and streamlined customer experience. 

This simplification fortifies the Group's number-one position in the country while enabling us to build upon APL's rich heritage of U.S. flag-ship operations and service to the United States Government. 

Reinforcing Singapore as Asia-Pacific regional hub : The current CMA CGM regional office and NOL Limited* will be redesigned as a major regional hub from October 1st: CMA CGM Asia Pacific Limited. This Singapore-based hub will drive CMA CGM's development in the Asia-Pacific region and will focus on delivering end-to-end shipping and logistics solutions.  

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