2020-02-18 14:40

CCS-UK will Help Avoid Border Delays with New RoRo Solution

CCS-UK User Group and CCS-UK (operated by BT) have jointly developed a solution to assist in the smooth movement of imports to the UK via Ro-Ro ports or the Channel Tunnel. The solution was approved by HMRC and Border Force at the end of January 2020, for use in the event of no deal, and will be adapted to comply with the processes required at the end of the current Implementation Period, once these details are known. 

The solution is an extension of the CCS-UK Advance Information System (AIS), which is already used to provide airline temporary storage facilities (ITSFs and ETSFs) with advance information of both intra-UK and international truck movements androad feeder services. AIS helps these temporary storage facilities plan and manage their workloads better, thereby speeding up processing and helping eliminate truck queues.

The AIS RoRo solution enables vehicles arriving at UK ports carrying EU origin cargo to proceed immediately to a designated CCS-UK temporary storage facility. This provides an alternative to using Common Transit, and means the vehicles do not need to use a port-linked clearance facility - which could cause congestion, delays and incur the extra costs of acquiring a badge at the port concerned. 

As well as streamlining cross-border movements, the solution will also speed up declaration processing at destination, due to its integration with the CCS-UK inventory.

The solution builds upon the pedigree of CCS-UK as a leading community systems provider (CSP), providing connectivity between the cargo community and Customs, including inventory-linked temporary storage facilities. As Brexit negotiations develop and there is greater clarity over the processes which will need to be in place at the end of the Implementation Period, CCS-UK will - in conjunction with HMRC and Border Force - adapt the AIS RoRo solution to meet the new requirements. 

Existing CCS-UK users will be able to use their current service and facilities without the need to establish new links to other, port-based community systems. For new CCS-UK customers, the solution will avoid the need to use potentially congested port-linked clearance facilities.  

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