2000-05-29 11:51
Ninth Asian Shipowners' Forum Was Held in Seoul
The Korea Shipowners Association hosted the Ninth Asia Shipowners Repr
esentative Forum (ASF) from May 17 to May 19, in the Shilla Hotel.
Matters of common interest and solutions to common problems were discu
Delegates of shipowners from 12 Asian countries including Korea, Japan
, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, the Phillipines, Vietnam, Thailand, Malays
ia, Singapore, Indonesia and Australia participated in this forum and
had subject presentations and discussions prepared by 5 committees on
trade , stabilization, disposal vessels, stable navigation, crews and
ship insurance.
ASF developed from the agreement about the necessity of marine orginiz
ation in fourth Korea and Japan Shipowners Association meeting in 199
1. It was inaugurated by FASA, which is the alliance of Asean Shipowne
rs Associations, on April 6, 1992 in Tokyo. ASF consists of 5 committ
ees: trade stabilization, disposal vessels, stable navigation, crews a
nd ship insurance.