2000-02-24 17:47
Yangming·Hanjin Agreed to Exchange Slots
In order to improve transit time from Pusan to NCP and expand service
scope in the Asia/Europe trade, Yangming has reached an agreement with
Hanjin Shipping, recently to exchange slots between YMAES, which is e
xpress trade service of Yangming to Europe and Asia/Europe Section of
HJ PS PDM1 service, exchanging 105TEU for Hanjin in YMAES service and
100TEU for Yangming in PS PDM1 service. Effective early March, it will
be applied to Westbound for 「Choyang Ark」 which is estimated to arr
ive Pusan on March 5 and for 「Ming West」 estimated to arrive Kaohsiu
ng on March 7. Also within Eastbound, same to 「Hanjin Beijing」 which
is estimated to arrive Rotterdam on March 9 and 「Ming Zenith」 estim
ated to arrive Rotterdam on March 8.
The ports of calling and port rotation for HJ PS PDM1 service are as b
Rotterdam-Hamburg-Felixstowe-Rotterdam-Le Havre-Suez Canal-Singapore-Y
antian-Hong Kong-Kaohsiung-(Long Beach-Oakland-Tokyo-Osaka)-Pusan-Hong
Kong-Port Kelang-Colombo-Suez Canal-Rotterdam
Yangming will use slots from Rotterdam to Kaohsiung for Eastbound whol
e sector and from Pusan to Le Havre for West bound whole sector. The s
tarting voyage for the second call of Rotterdam need Hanjin’s further