2012-05-17 13:46

Expo 2012 Yeosu starts 100 days event

Bird's-eye view of Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea

Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea started on May 11 under the main theme of “The Living Ocean and Coast”.

The opening ceremony was held at the Big-O stage at 6 pm and included concerts, music, and a multi-media show. At the ceremony 2,400 VIPs from all walks of life attended, including President Myeong-bak Lee.

People from 105 countries participated in the Expo, including 22 countries from Europe, 21 countries from the Americas, 31 countries from Asia and Oceania, 26 countries from Africa, 6 countries from the Middle East, and 10 international organizations.

The exhibition was organized across 75 facilities, consisting of the Big-O stage, Expo digital gallery, Sky tower, Kora Pavillion, DSME Marine Robot Pavillion, and others.

Yeosu, located on the southern part of the Korean Peninsula, has the geographical edge that comes from being adjacent to the ocean, and thus, is ideal for realizing the Expo theme, “The Living Ocean and Coast.”

The main theme conceptualizes the most desirable future for the ocean whose sound preservation and well-being is essentially linked with the survival of humankind.

The Yeosu Expo explains what it is and its purpose as follows :

“The Yeosu Expo will provide an opportunity to enhance the international community’s perception of the function and value of the ocean and coast, share knowledge on the proper use of the ocean and coast and recognize the need for cooperation in the marine sector.

It will also serve as a venue to learn about the achievements of and future models for the marine sector and offer a valuable chance to promote state-of-the-art marine science and technology and marine industries.

The Exposition will be an opportunity for the international community to clearly understand the role of the ocean and coast as well as the challenge facing humanity caused by the reckless development of the ocean and coast.

Participants will be able to benchmark as well as promote successful development cases where development and preservation are well balanced. The Exposition will present a role model for transforming the declining port and its neighboring area into a new space for living.

The Exposition will be a chance to induce and urge cooperation and joint efforts from the international community. In particular, the Yeosu Project will offer a golden opportunity for resolving imminent ocean-related problems facing developing countries.

The Exposition will be a chance to share and co-develop sophisticated marine science and technology, thus significantly contributing to the mutual development of the marine industry.” < 김보람 기자 brkim@ksg.co.kr >

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