2012-04-26 16:27

Port of L.A. adopts 5-year strategic plan

The Los Angeles Harbor Commission unanimously adopted a five-year strategic plan for the Port of Los Angeles for 2012 to 2017.

The plan focuses on three key result areas, or KRAs – competitive operations, strong relationships, and financial strength. It maps out the port’s priorities, objectives and various initiatives for developing infrastructure, enhancing overall competitiveness, growing market share, optimizing land use, advancing maritime technologies and sustainability efforts, and maintaining the port’s top ranking as the nation’s trade gateway to the Pacific Rim.

"This plan is a blueprint for responsible growth and job creation that will guide us toward maintaining our competitive advantage as the nation's premier trade gateway," said Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. "It is this kind of strategic thinking that helped the port become one of the nation's leading economic engines, and meeting the strategic plan's objectives will ensure our future success."

"This strategic plan will ensure that the port remains competitive over the coming years and proactively meets the challenges of a new era of international trade," said Harbor Commission President Cindy Miscikowski.

"Changing economic tides will require new and innovative approaches and a forward-thinking game plan," said Port Executive Director Geraldine Knatz, Ph.D. "This newly adopted strategic roadmap provides a clear path to assure the port’s future success in the global marketplace."

As the port faces increasing competitive challenges in the coming years, the plan's "competitive operations" component includes initiatives focused on developing and maintaining a world-class infrastructure; retaining and growing market share; advancing technology and sustainability, as well as optimizing land use.

Similarly, as part of its focus on building "strong relationships," the port will undertake a number of initiatives to increase stakeholder and community awareness and support, and to create a positive workplace culture. The plan's "financial strength" initiatives will center on enhancing cash flow, improving financial reporting and audits, and diversifying and maximizing grant funding.

The strategic planning process began in March 2011 and builds on the previous 2006-2011 five-year strategic plan. In addition to input from a multi-division Port Strategic Plan Task Force, Harbor Commissioners also provided input and feedback on various drafts of the plan, as did port staff, constituents, customers and labor representatives. Metrics to measure the port’s performance and success in implementing the initiatives are also in included in the plan.

The strategic plan will undergo continuous evolution and performance measurement over the next five years and an annual assessment and re-evaluation to ensure relevance prior to the start of the annual budget process. An organizational performance dashboard will be used to measure progress towards implementing the initiatives. < Korea Shipping Gazette >

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