1999-07-09 00:00
[ Hanjin Shipping Executive Earns Korea’s First Docto... ]
Hanjin Shipping Executive Earns Korea’s First Doctorate on Vessel Cha
Hanjin Shipping Senior Vice President, Lee Kwang Hee, has recently ear
ned a doctorate’s degree from the prestigious Korea Maritime Uninters
Mr. Lee’s thesis on the study of vessel chartering is not only unprec
edented in Korea, but also aims to prove that “vessel chartering was
a locomotive of Korean shipping growth.” He hopes that the study will
serve as a useful tool for all specialists or experts as well as part
of the educational system in the chartering field.
“Mr. Lee has concentrated all his skolls, knowledge and creativity to
not only meet the challenges of doing business at hand, but also made
the time to pursue his doctorate,” said another Hanjin executive. “
We are fortunate to have such an exceptional and versatile member in o
ur company.”
A native of Chungnam, South Korea, Mr. Lee earned a bachelor’s degree
from Seoul National University and a mster’s degree from Yonsei Univ
ersity. Mr. Lee began his career with Korea Shipping Corporation in 19
74. Since then, he has risen above the ranks holding a number of execu
tive posts while at Hanjin Shipping, including leadership of the compa
ny’s bulk division since 1992 and serving as president of Keoyang Shi
ppng since 1998.