2011-06-24 10:00
Change at the top at Rickmers-Linie
After eight years at the helm of Rickmers in the United States, Jerry Nagel has been appointed Chairman of the Board of Rickmers-Linie (America) Inc. In this position he will continue to participate and contribute with his experience to the activities of Rickmers Group in North America. Mr. Nagel joined Rickmers in 2004 from Foster Wheeler Corp USA, where he had been the company's traffic manager.
Jan B Steffens, President & CEO of Rickmers-Linie GmbH & Cie. KG in Hamburg, thanked Mr. Nagel for his commitment to the company. "As President & CEO of Rickmers-Linie (America) Inc., Jerry has truly established and developed a powerful organization in America and has contributed significantly to the image of our company in the United States."
Mr. Nagel's former position as President & CEO of Rickmers-Linie (America) Inc. has been assumed by Sean Carney, effective June 1, 2011. Mr. Carney joined the Rickmers-Linie team in Houston in December 2010 as Vice President and Chief Operating Officer (COO).
Like Mr. Nagel, Mr. Carney joined Rickmers from a leading shipper, in this case GE Energy, where he had been directing all project logistics and trade service operations for its Power & Water business. Prior roles at GE included working in the project management department in Energy and with financial services at GE Capital.
Sean Carney is a graduate in Business Finance from Utica College of Syracuse University and has also been an officer with the United States Army for five years, spending significant time in logistics and operational roles.<Korea Shipping Gazette>