2010-02-25 17:45
CMA CGM resumes regular Port-au-Prince-Kingston service
Having been heavily involved in the relief effort since the earthquake struck Haiti, the CMA CGM Group announced that it has resumed a regular service between Port-au-Prince and Kingston in Jamaica.
On February 7th, a 516 TEU capacity CMA CGM feeder vessel made an exceptional call to Port-au-Prince as an extension of its Europe-Caribbean Service (ECS). A second call was made on February 15th thanks to the 400-foot long floating dock that has recently been installed at the Haiti Terminal. On February 11th CMA CGM was also back in business with the reopening of the VITAL Agency, its Port-au-Prince representative.
This regular service via Kingston, a major Caribbean transshipment hub, offers an alternative solution for all commodities coming from and going to Port-au-Prince. It represents a first step towards CMA CGM resuming its regular direct service from North Europe to Haiti, as soon as the situation permits.
CMA CGM has had strong ties with Haiti for many years, and through these actions the Group wishes to reaffirm its support for the people of Haiti and the island’s economy.
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