1994-10-13 10:02
[ KMTC and Heung-A Shipping launched… ]
KMTC and Heung-A Shipping launched their independent Pusan/Tomakomai Ser-
vice respectively.
Korea Marine Transport Co.,(KMTC) recently started providing weekly fixed
-day service between Pusan and Tomakomai.
The new service is provided with the 165-TEU ro/ro ship Asian Hope, with
Narasaki Stax Co., acting as Tomakomai agent for the carrier.
It is known that KMTC decided to start the service to meet the needs of
shippers in the Hokkaido area because Pusan Shipping Co., which used
to operate on the route, has suspended the service.
In the meanwhile, Heung-A Shipping Co., also entered weekly fixed-day
service between Pusan and Tomakomai by introduding a 300TEU-class Donam.
It is scheduled to depart from Pusan each Friday and call at Tomakomai
each Tuesday next week.