2009-09-18 06:43
Maersk strive to reduce CO2 emissions
Climate Change is a global challenge that requires global solutions in order to reduce CO2 emissions. In December 2009, political leaders from around the world will convene in Copenhagen at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP15, to try to reach an agreement on climate change mitigation beyond 2012.
The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group is committed to the climate change agenda and wants to take appropriate action and responsibility. Environment and climate change is one of our four top priorities in 2009.
The group strives to reduce their CO2 emissions and has set a relative reduction target of 10% from 2008 to 2012, and even more in some of business units (2007 baseline). The group aims to develop sustainable solutions to the climate challenge within all business areas.
Steps to counter climate change: Five principles guide the approach to climate change:
1. To reduce the environmental impact, all business activities must strive to become as energy efficient as possible.
2. International shipping is the most energy efficient form of transport and accounts for 2.7% of world CO2emission.Thegroupstrivestoimprovevesselenergyefficiency.
3. Shipping is global and regulations must be internationally applied in order to secure fair competition and to achieve real environmental benefit.
4. The less fuel used, the less CO2emitted.Environmentalinitiativesoftengohandinhandwithfinancialbenefits.
5. Oil and natural gas will remain indispensable for many years to come. The challenge is to produce the necessary oil and gas in the most environmentally friendly manner. Innovation and technology are essential to address climate change and have become key business drivers. <Korea Shipping Gazette>