1998-06-15 13:55
[ Revision of the compulsory pilotage requiremen... ]
Revision of the compulsory pilotage requirement in the Port of Kobe in
July 1998
Tonnage of target ships to be raised from 300G/T to 10,000G/T
Although the Port of Kobe suffered extensive damage caused by the Grea
t Hanshin-Awaji Earthguake that occurred in January 1995, all its faci
lities were completely reconstructed in two years.
Concurrent with the reconstruction of port facilities, the port author
ities revised tariff and simplified port procedures to enhance user fr
iendliness. Such endeavors which are still being carried out include t
he revision of the compulsory pilot system, scheduled for July 1, 1998
With this revision, at the Port of Kobe, the tonnage at which ships ar
e required to use pilots will be raised from 300G/T to 10,000G/T. As a
result of this deregualation, captains of vessels below 10,000G/T wil
l be permitted to steer their own ships into and out of the Port witho
ut a pilot.
The revision of the compulsory pilot system is expected to enhance the
service quality of the Port of Kobe.