2007-07-26 18:03
Port of Long Beach installs radiation detectors
Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Michael Chertoff, visited the Port of Long Beach on Friday, July 20, 2007 to meet with City and Port officials and examine the first field tests of a new radiation-detection system designed to better protect seaports from potential nuclear threats.
Chertoff, accompanied by Rep. Jane Harman (D-Venice), met with Long Beach Mayor Bob Foster, Long Beach Vice-Mayor Bonnie Lowenthal, Long Beach Councilwoman Suja Lowenthal, and Port Executive Director Richard D. Steinke to discuss port security issues and federal security funding and conduct a demonstration of the new radiation detectors.
This is an important opportunity to meet with Secretary Chertoff", Foster said. "It gives us the chance to showcase some of the exciting new security technologies here at the Port of Long Beach, and also to voice our frustration at the lack of adequate security funding coming into this region from the federal government." Steinke said the visit by Chertoff, the highest ranking security official in the U.S. government, underscores the importance of the Port of Long Beach to international trade and the national economy. The port, which moves more than $100 billion in cargo a year, supports more than 1.4 million jobs throughout the U.S. and generates more than $5 billion in tax and revenue contributions a year.
Given the Port of Long Beach's central place in the national economy, the federal government takes an active interest in what we're doing to improve security."Steinke said.