1998-01-07 17:36
[ Port of Long Beach Unveils Web Page ]
The Port of Long Beach is on Line! Its new web page, which can be acce
ssed at www.polb.com, is packed with news and statistical information
about the nation’s busiest containerport.
“Our objective is to provide ocean carriers, shippers, government off
icials and the general public with useful information about the port,
”said Yvonne Avila, director of communications. “The web site includ
es statistics about all of our cargo terminals, details about cargo vo
lumes and port growth, information about the economic impact of port t
rade, and a complete history of our operations. We also have included
a directory of all port tenants with links to the web sites of those c
Doug Albrecht, the port’s director of information management, indicat
ed that the web page is “a work in progress” and will continuously b
e updated and improved.
“We are adding new information daily. We want to make the web site in
teresting, relevant and easy to use,”he said. Suggestions for additio
ns to the page should be addressed to him at webmaster@polb.com.
The port’s web page was developed by XENET, a Southern California web
design and hosting consultant, in conjuction with the port’s informa
tion management and communications divisions.