1998-01-06 18:18
[ American Airlines Cargo Reports Record RevenueS.. ]
American Airlines Cargo Reports Record Revenues for 1997;Numbers Incre
ase Again in Fourth Quarter
Despite record passenger load factors and a slight decrease in cargo c
apacity, American Airlines Cargo announced record revenues for 1997--u
p 0.8% from the previous record.
AA cargo also reported and increase in freight ton miles(FTMs) for the
fourth quarter, flying 409.9 million FTMs, up 0.5% year over year, Ma
il ton miles werw down at 115.4 million, Cargo ton miles flown were 52
5.3 million, an increaase of 0.2% year over year.
“We’ve just turned in our best revenue year ever, beating our previo
us record set in 1996,” said AA Cargo President Dave Brooks. “We can
attribute much of our success to improved service quality, growth in
the Latin American markets, and increased revenue from our Priority Pa
rcel Service(PPS).
“Our employees understand that satisfying customers’ needs isn what
has made us an industry leader for 50 years, and it’s what will keep
us a leader for the next 50 years,” said Brooks.