1997-10-25 12:43
[ Hanjin/DSR/Choyang Change their North-America Svc ]
Hanjin Shipping Co., DSR-Senator Lines and Choyang Shipping Co. have a
nnounced that they will not only launch a new joint service late this
month in their Hong Kong-South Korea-Japan/Long Beach-Oakland service
to the West Coast of North America, but also that they will discontinu
e calls to the ports of Long Beach and Oakland in the service between
the Far East and the Pacific Southwest(PSW)-Pacific Northwest(PNW) in
favor of instituting calls at the ports of Seattle and Portland instea
In the planned new Hong Kong-South Korea-Japan/Long Beach-Oakland serv
ice -which will be the first of the three carriers’ service restructu
ring initiatives for their global tie-up, which is slated to start fro
m the beginning of next year-they will provide joint operations in a r
otation of Hong Kong(Sat./Sun.), Pusan(Tue./Wed.), Osaka(Thu.), Nagoya
(Fri.), Tokyo(Sat.), Long Beach(Mon./Wed.) and Oakland(Thu./Fri.).
In the Far East/PNW-PSW service, meanwhile, the three shipping lines,
which used to serve both PNW and PSW destinations on the West Coast of
North America, will now skip Los Angeles and Oakland as a result of o
ngoing congestion at these two ports which has resulted in a number of
delays to their service schedules.
The ports in North America to be served in the Far East/PNW-PSW operat
ion will now be limited to Seatle and Portland in the PNW region.