1997-10-12 15:18
[ Mercantile Announces the Opening of Quality Assurance Center ]
A ribbon-cutting ceremony and reception was held at Mercantile Korea L
td.’s quality assurance and consolidation center in Seoul. The center
was developed by Mercantile to serve its customers Pacific Buying and
Marketing Service Ltd.(PBMS) and Liz Claiborne International Ltd.’s
increased service requirements. Liz Claiborne In’tl Ltd. was represse
d by its vice president of Asian operations, Gary Ross, and its vice p
resident for quality assurance, Stan Austin. On hand from PBMS was Lon
Garwood, managing director. Jorgen Madsen, president of Mercantile Ko
rea Ltd, represented the company. The center’s two building can hold
up to 15x40’ container loads of flat-packed garments and gaments-on-h
anger. The center features a state of the art hanging garment rack sys
tem. Quality tests on the garments will be run at the center to ensure
that only first rate product is shipped on time. Jorgen Madson commen
ted that “this facility is representative of the lasting partnership
between Liz Claiborne, PBMS and Mercantile. The center cemmenced opera
tions on October 6, 1997.
Mercantile Korea Ltd. offers supply chain management, cargo consolidat
ion, warehousing, and distribution services to its customers. Mercanti
le is a division of the A.P. Moller Group with it’s headquarters in C
openhagen, Denmark. With more than 90 offices in over 40 countries, Me
rcantile is a world leader in global logistics management.