1997-07-16 11:20
[ The Intermodal Exchange Launches Asia Auction ]
Unicon International’s new service, the Intermodal Exchange, launched
their Asia regional sales effort on July 7, 1997. The Intermodal Exch
ange is an advanced and interactive auction system that provides equip
ment owners, brokers and end users with an efficient global opportunit
y to buy and sell equipment.
“Both carriers and leasing companies are very pleased with their resu
lts through participation with the Intermodal Exchange. We are launchi
ng our Asia sales efforts on schedule in order to keep up with the glo
bal demand from both sellers and buyers” said Michael Donnelly. Manag
ing Director of Asia for the Intermodal Exchange. “July 7th marks the
start of regional sales in Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia and
Hong Kong.”
Donnelly continued, “Our next phase will open the Thalland, Japan, Ko
rea and Australia markets which puts the Intermodal Exchange in 15 cou
ntries. We are providing buyers and sellers with access to equipment f
or sale via Fax, The Internet or phone. They choose the option that wo
rds best for them. Our service reduces the administrative time and exp
ense associated with the sale of equipment while putting customers in
contact with a global market. Essentially we are creating more demand
as well as more supply.”
“Sellers are now listing both dry and refrigerated boxes for sale on
the Intermodal Exchange. Since our first sale in February the majority
of equipment has sold out each time. By offering a diverse range of e
quipment we are increasing the number and types of buyers participatin
g in the service,” said Donnelly.