1997-07-11 10:02
[ Global Alliance Engances Trans-Pacific Vessel Services ]
The announcement by P&O-Nedlloyd of its intention to focus on consolid
ting the fleet within P&O’s existing structure, was expected by the G
lobal Alliance members and will provide for an orderly redeployment be
tween the Global Alance and Grand Alliance fleets to begin in early 19
98. Nedlloyd had communicated this decision to senior executives of th
e Global Alliance members earlier in the year.
During the interim period until phase-out of Nedlloyd’s vessels, the
Global Alliance network will not be impacted by the announced decision
. The Global Alliance members will continue to focus on service improv
ements as exemplified by the recently announced improvements to the Tr
ans Pacific services.
The details of next year’s deployment are still being discussed and t
he future long-term service structure will be announced in due course.
The Global Alliance members have been developing long-term diployment
plans that the carriers are confident will enable the alliance to mai
ntain the high level of services currently available, as well as build
upon this to expand and improve services in the major trades in the y
ears ahead.
The Global Alliance members are APL, OOCL, Mitsui OSK and MISC. The gr
oup operated through sharing of vessels and terminals on 8 service loo
ps between Asia and North America, 3 service loops between Asia and No
rth Europe, as well as various services within Asia.