2005-10-13 16:21
Gwangyang Bay Area Free Economic Zone Authority announces CI
Gwangyang Bay Area Free Economic Zone (GFEZ) unveiled its new corporate identity (CI).
Gwangyang Bay Area Free Economic Zone Authority an nounced settled on the CI on July 18.
The new CI is composed of a symbol, characters, mascot and has Korean and English logos.
The symbol is shaped like a wave representing the marine city and free economic zone. A red circle shows the activity like a rising sun and symbolizes the Authority's intention to develop GFEZ as a global Free Economic Zone, the authority said.
The mascot, 'Padori', shows the energy of GFEZ and symbolizes fast development and a future of growth.
An insider at the Authority said, "We are planning to use the CI in marketing, investor relations promotion, and public relations."