1997-06-04 14:43
[ MEDFEC Announced Rate Restorations ]
The Chairman and principals of the Meditterranean Far East Conference
are pleased to announce that both Senator lines and Lloyd Trientino ha
ve agreed to join the conference from immediate effect.
Commenting on this MEDFEC chairman Chris Bourne said,“ after a long d
iscussion we are delighted that both DSR-Senator and Lloyd Triestino h
ave agreed to join the conference to support our drive towards improvi
ng the quality of service from/to the Far East and the Medtterranean a
nd also to support the need to improve conference rate levels. All co
nference lines are concerned about the very poor profitability of the
trade which will inevitably inhibit lines making the necessary capital
expenditures in the future.”
At a meeting held in Hong Kong on the 16th May rate restorations were
agreed by conference members as from the 1st July 1997. The rate incre
ases will be westbound USD 150/300 and eastbound USD 100/150.
Conference members are confident that given the present high level of
utilisation that these rate restorations are achievable and are a prel
ude to further rate restorations later in the year.