2005-06-23 12:37
BPA IR in North America draws interest
Busan Port Authority announced on June 20 that it finished a round of investor relations in North America successfully from June 12 to 19.
The port sales tour progressed under the theme 'Business Opportunities in Busan Port', with Pusan Port, The Jinhae Free Economic Zone Authority, and the Korea International Trade Association presenting their organizations. They presented potential investors with information on Pusan New Port, investment conditions, background on the port, and security at the port.
Meanwhile, port officials from New York, New Jersey, LA, Long Beach, and Vancouver among others, were interested to find out that Pusan Port is the world 5th largest port. They expressed interest in Pusan New Port construction and investment on hinterland development.
One hundred fifty officials from New York attended the investor relations presentation and asked about general wharf re-development of Pusan's North Port and investment opportunities.
The BPA plans general wharf re-development for Pusan Port by benchmarking things like using the wharf for cruise vessels and resort space.
The BPA had similar marketing events in Tokyo (February), Europe (May) and Nagoya (June). It will also have investor relations events in the Middle East, Hong Kong, Singapore, China, Europe and Japan in the second half of this year.