1997-04-08 15:53

[ Chun Kyung Upgrades Korea-Japen Svc ]

Chun Kyung Shipping Co., Ltd. has expanded its full container liner
services between Korea and Japan by readjusting its ship deployment
plan and increasing the service frequency to three times a week on
the Pusan/Kobe-Osaka route and twice a week between Pusan and
Previously, the firm operated a weekly service on the
Pusan/Kobe-Osaka route with one full containership. However, by
entering into a joint ship deployment agreement with Korea Marine
Transport Co., Ltd.(KMTC), it has expanded this service to three
fixed-day weekly sailings(Mondays, Wendesdays and Fridays) with two
vessels-the Canna and the Cosmos, each capable of hauling 150 TEUs.
At the same time, Chun Kyung has upgraded its one ship weekly service
on the Pusan/Wakayama-Sakai Senboku-Mizushima route.
That is, it has changed the assigned ship to the 103 TEU Mun Mu Ho,
and started touching at Mizushima twice a week. The new rotation is
Wakayama (Monday), Sakai Senboku(Monday), Mizushima(Tuesday),
Pusan(Wednesday/Thuesday), Mizushima(Friday), Pusan(Saturday) and
The latest Chun Kyung Shipping’s Korea/Japan service in no small
measure, but also made it possible to provide faster connections via
Pusan to routes serving Dalian, Xingang, Qingdao, Shanghai and
Southeast Asia.

ECU Line, Offers Weekly Departures to La Guaira & Puerto Cabello

ECU-Line is offering weekly departures(based upon Hapag Lloyd) to La
Guaira and Puerto Cabello. From there, onforwarding is possible to
Caracas and El Guamache.
There are also direct groupage services from the other main ports in
Europe(Hamburg/Bremen/Rotterdam/Barcelona) as well as out of Miami to
Venezuela. ECU-Line is new also examining the possibility to start a
direct service out of the U.K. to Venezuela.
ECU-Line can also offer a weekly service to Maracaibo, but this is
going via Miami. Nevertheless the transit time is very short because
of the fact that Miami is served via Ecuadorian Line on a weekly
basis with a transit time of only 7 to 8 days upto Miami. Then you
should add 5 to 10 days for the onforwarding to Maracaibo, so that
the total transit time upto Maracaibo is only 17 to 18 days.
In Venezuela, ECU-Line/Flamingo Line has developped very nicely and
are now with approximately 10 people. Very soon they will move to
new and larger premises.
In meantime Flamingo Line has made good agreements in North America
with their agents Mercator Shipping and Brennan, and very soon large
volumes will be shipped to Venezuela out of Miami and very soon also
New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.
로그인 후 작성 가능합니다.




인기 스케줄


    선박운항스케줄 목록 - 선박운항스케줄목록으로 Vessel, D-Date, A-Date, Agent를 나타내는 테이블입니다.
    Vessel D-Date A-Date Agent
    Skagen Maersk 01/12 02/10 MAERSK LINE
    Seaspan Raptor 01/13 02/09 HMM
    Rdo Ace 01/13 02/10 HMM

    선박운항스케줄 목록 - 선박운항스케줄목록으로 Vessel, D-Date, A-Date, Agent를 나타내는 테이블입니다.
    Vessel D-Date A-Date Agent
    Ale 01/19 02/24 SEA LEAD SHIPPING
    Star 01/23 02/28 SEA LEAD SHIPPING
    Kmtc Nhava Sheva 01/25 03/01 FARMKO GLS

    선박운항스케줄 목록 - 선박운항스케줄목록으로 Vessel, D-Date, A-Date, Agent를 나타내는 테이블입니다.
    Vessel D-Date A-Date Agent
    Esl Dana 01/12 02/26 HS SHIPPING
    Esl Dana 01/13 02/23 SOFAST KOREA
    Gsl Nicoletta 01/17 03/03 Kukbo Express

    선박운항스케줄 목록 - 선박운항스케줄목록으로 Vessel, D-Date, A-Date, Agent를 나타내는 테이블입니다.
    Vessel D-Date A-Date Agent
    Ale 01/19 03/06 SEA LEAD SHIPPING
    Msc Jade 01/20 03/16 MSC Korea
    Star 01/23 02/27 SEA LEAD SHIPPING

    선박운항스케줄 목록 - 선박운항스케줄목록으로 Vessel, D-Date, A-Date, Agent를 나타내는 테이블입니다.
    Vessel D-Date A-Date Agent
    Hmm Southampton 01/13 03/02 HMM
    Hmm Stockholm 01/21 03/07 Tongjin
    Hmm Stockholm 01/21 03/07 Tongjin

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