2004-06-23 19:44
Taiwanese vessel to begin calling at Yeosu
Yeosu Regional Maritime & Fisheries Office announced June 22 that Taiwan T.S. Lines “Hutuohe” will call at the KIT terminal in Gwangyang Port for the first time on June 24.
T.S. Lines is a large shipping company with 8 vessels in Taiwan. It has previously only called at Gwangyang port a couple times. They will now call at the port once weekly. The route is: Gwangyang - Kilung - Hong Kong - Port Kelang - Singapore - Shekou - Kobe - Osaka - Moji - Pusan.
One insider at the office said, “We expect that each sailing will transport about 350~400 TEU of cargoes, like electronics, resins.”
Gwangyang Port handled 593,168 TEU, an increase of about 22.9% compared with the same period of last year, by the end of the May of this year as new shipping companies started calling at the port this year like CSCL, IRIS, MCL, and K-Line.
Yeosu Regional Maritime Affaires & Fisheries Office held a reception for the Hutuohe with a memorial tablet and a bunch of flowers on the morning of June 24.