2002-11-14 10:14
Port operation software to be installed in Spanish ports
Total Soft Bank, a port operation software developer, reported November 5 that it signed with Deragados SPL to install CATOS (Computer Automated Terminal Operation System) in 12 container terminals worth 2.2 million dollars.
The company will also sign with Bilvao container terminal for 700 million won worth of port operation software and training within this year, and then will receive 7.7 billion won worth of software and training for 12 container terminals in order. After installing the software at the terminals, there will be 4 billion won worth in service contracts for five years to maintain the system well.
Total Soft Bank explained that with the help of this order it would expect 10.3 billion won in revenue and for the quarter, net profits of 1.1 billion won by the end of November, in spite of poor figures for the third quarter this year.