2002-09-11 11:00

Disturbed export cargo loading process in Pusan

As Typhoon ?Rusa?disconnected Kyoungbu (Seoul-Pusan) rail and disturbed on cargo transportation system through rail, export cargo loading process in the Port of Pusan got in stuck.
Terminal operating companies and transportation companies said on September 2 that they were confronted with difficulty of securing trucks to carry export and import cargoes because containers by train dropped to below one- third levels compared to typhoon struck to Korea.
Though Korea Express used to carry 500TEU through rail to Pusan, they only transported a third before typhoon damage nowadays. The company tried to move cargoes with additional trailers, it only fell to handle 20 ?30% of total. Other transportation companies are known to suffer from similar problems.
An officer at the Korea Express said that though replacing cargoes by trucks, there are limits of getting trucks and inevitably to produce stumbles.
Under these situations, on-dock export cargoes through rail have gone down worst.
While Pusan East Container Terminal (PECT) took 250 to 270 TEU per day through rail system, only 120 TEU containers arrived on September 1st, the next day after Typhoon struck on Korea, by train. The figures decreased to 60 to 70 TEU on September 2 and 3.
Other container terminal including HBCT and Kamman Terminal presented shrunk cargoes as well.
?The difficulties would be worse while container cargoes handling in Pusan occupied 12% of their total cargoes and most cargoes of Kyoung in areas got piled up as a result of summer vacation and a local down-pour. On top of it, rapidly grown Chusuk season logistic demand would add more difficulties,?said the transportation companies.
Because vessels taken refugee to outer seas because of typhoon came back to Pusan container terminals, it is escaped to fail to load cargoes.
A worker at the PECT said, however, that there would be cargoes failed to meet its loading dates due to transportation disturbance.
Therefore, transportation companies and shippers asked liners to delay vessel departures. In case missing loading dates, they were busy for hunting other replacing vessels as soon as possible and requesting for delaying to overseas buyers.
The industry worried about disturbed loading process if the rail system would take several months to be recovered before state.
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