2002-09-07 11:25
Mokpo-China international car ferry opening questioned
The Mokpo-Lenwinkang international (Chunnam, Korea) car ferry service has been called into question as of late.
Mokpo Fisheries Agency announced August 26, that there was no applicant for the Mokpo-Lenwinkang international car ferry business that was planned to commemorate the 100th opening day of Mokpo port.
Mokpo City and the Mokpo Fisheries Agency have been promoting the business since 1995, but there have been many difficulties in selecting an appropriate business partner. At the end of the day, actually opening the route may prove difficult.
"The Government will permit a solo Chinese applicant, but in fact, it's going to be a long shot,"
said an industry insider.
Meanwhile the Mokpo-Shanghai opening will be discussed in a Korea-China shipping conference in Pusan, October 10.