1996-06-14 11:50
[ OOCL Launches New North Japan Express(NJX) Service ]
M.V.OOCL Sendai inaugurated the new OOCL’s North Japan Express (NJX)
service in the southbound direction in Sendai, Japan, one of the six p
rovincial ports in North Japan covered by this new service on June 10,
1996. The inaugural sailing in the northbound direction will be on Ju
ne 16 from Singapore.
This fixed day weekly service is offered by OOCL to customers by means
of a vessel sharing with Advance Container Lines of Singapore. It lin
ks the six gateway ports in North Japan including Toyama, Nilgata, Tom
akomai, Hachinobe, Sendai and Hitachi to Keelung and Kaohsiung in Taiw
an; Hong Kong and Singapore.
With the introduction of the NJX service, OOCL further expands its net
work serving the Japanese market and brings its service closer to cust
omers’ facilities. “We are offering our customers a cost efficient o
ption at these ports by direct calling as well as integrating them wit
h OOCL’s extensive global service network at Kaohsiung where OOCL has
full control of transhipment operations at our own container terminal
s and on-dock reconsolidation facilities,” said Mr Philip Chow, Manag
ing Director of OOCL(Asia Pacific) Ltd.
OOCL launched its Shikoku-Taiwan Service last year calling at Matsuyam
a, Iyomishima and Hososhima in Japan and Keelung and Kaohsiung in Taiw
an. Last month, OOCL launched the new Kawasaki/Osaka-Taiwan/Hong Kong
Service (KTX).
OOCL is a global container transportation company based in Hong Kong w
ith a global network of services for Intra-Asia, east-west, and Austra
lia trades, providing the vital link to world trade.