1996-05-15 11:08
[ ECU-LINE Is Looking For New Trans. Modalities ]
Africa is a consistent in full expension for the ECU-LINE group. There
fore ECU-LINE is constently looking for new transport modalities in or
der to be offer better services with Faster transit times and more com
petitive rates.
For this reason, ECU-LINE is installing own personnel in the Mozambiqu
e transit ports MAPUTO and BEIRA.
ECU-LINE is using the services of MSC, who can guarantee a transit tim
e of approx. 20 days to Maputo and Beira.
From the Mozambique ports upto Harare, it takes 3`4 days out of Maputo
and 2~3 days out of Beira.
In Zimbabwe, ECU-LINE has made good aggrements with CARGO SERVICES. Th
eir headoffice is in Harare but they also have an affiliated office in
Bulwayo and some Frontier customs houses to arrange the customs forma
lities and consequently facilitate the onforwardings, etc.
The transportation from Mozambique to Harare takes place by rail, and
upon arrival in Harare the goods are unloaded immediately in a customs
warehouse, under the supervision of CARGO SERVICES.
Out of Harare, the distribution is arranged via truck, as well to the
most important places in Zimbabwe as to Zambia and Malawi.