1996-05-10 09:13
The dutch shipowning group Spllethoff of Amsterdam and the brazilian o
ceantransport enterprise Aquarlus of Riode Janeiro have created a Join
t Venture Company by the name of SASIA EXPRESS LINES.
The president of SASIA is Commander Luiz ALHANATI, whereas the Managin
g Director is Captain Jose MARTINS. Both gentlemen have a long track r
ecord in serving the Korean export trade in managing oceantransportati
on to the eastcoast of South America. They will operate from the heado
ffice of SASIA in Rio de Janeiro.
SASIA EXPRESS LINES will employ vessels of the Spliethoff group, who a
re owning a fleet of 60 modem, multiurpose cargoships which are especi
ally suited for the carriage of containers and project cargoes.
Apart from Busan SASIA will call at the ports of Yokohama, Hong Kong a
nd Singapore, whereafter the vessels will proceed diredtly to Manaus,
without any transshipment, in a transittime of approximately 30 days.
SASIA will offer the Korean customers a top-quality shipping service w
ith modern vessels. The service will start-up on a bi-monthly basis, b
ut by the end of this year a weekly frequency is intended. The first v
essel will call Busan on June 8 already.