1996-03-21 09:32
[ NOL Awarded the “1995 Star Performers” Awards ]
Neptune Orient Lines Ltd.(NOL) is pleased to announce that it has been
awarded the “1995 Star Performers” awards at the Liner Analysis awa
rds ceremony sponsored by the Lloyd’s of London Press and Ports of Lo
ndon for the fastest transit times in its Pacific Atlantic Express (PA
X) service in the Europe and West Coast North America route. The award
s ceremony was held in London on March 9, 1996.
This is the third consecutive year that NOL has won this award. The fi
rst two times that these awards were presented were in 1993 and 1994 r
espectively. They are given to shipping lines for schedule reliability
and fast transit times on various trade routes during 1994 and 1995.
The assessment and selection process was made through Lloyd’s loading
listing which conducts monthly surveys covering individual long haul
trade routes, and analyse all fully-containerised operations in the tr
ade, with schedule reliability and transit times measured over a given
The assessment and selection process was made through Lloyd’s loading
listing which conducts monthly surveys covering individual long haul
trade routes, and analyse all fully-containerised operations in the tr
ade, with schedule reliability and transit times measured over a given
The selection is based on an independent and objective evaluation of t
he performance of the lines.
The PAX service, jointly operated by NOL, Hapag-Lloyd and NYK, was mea
sured against all other competitors in the Europe, Trans-Atlantic trad
e. Through the achievement of the awards, the joint operators have aga
in demonstrated their commitment to schedule integrity and quality ser