1996-02-07 17:08
[ OOCL plans Singapore-Australian route ]
Orient Overseas Container Line announced today their intention to star
t a service between Singapore and Australian in early 1996. This new s
ervice will be operated jointly with Pacific International Line of Sin
gapore to cover a full range of ports call in South East Asia and Aust
OOCL is seizng this opportunity to use Singapore as transshipment hub,
linking his new service with their worldwide network of services in E
urope and the Mediterranean as well as the sub-continent and South Eas
t Asian region.
OOCL’s new partnership agreement with PIL, capitalizing on the streng
th of PIL in Asia and the global network of OOCL, will bring substanti
al benefits to regional and international customers, as well as both c
OOCL is already operating a joint service with Zim Line in the East As
ia/Australia trade, which will be upgraded to a weekly fraquency by th
e development of a vessel sharing agreement with thier conference part
ners, and through this arrangement OOCL also co-operates with Zim in t
he new Singapore/Australia service.