The National Development and Reform Commission announced in China on December 28, 2015 that several companies, including MOL, have breached Chinese antitrust law with respect to car carrier services and were imposed fines. MOL, by its cooperation with NDRC's investigation, received a reduction in its fine amounting to CNY 38,121,100 (about JPY 734 million).
MOL and other shipping companies have been investigated by the NDRC due to a suspicion of antitrust law violation. MOL has fully cooperated with the NDRC during the investigations.
MOL takes the NDRC's decision seriously and regrets that MOL's being investigated by the NDRC and imposed fine could worry MOL's shareholders, customers, and relevant parties. MOL recognizes that compliance with laws and regulations, including antitrust laws has the utmost priority in its business, and MOL has taken measures to ensure compliance with antitrust laws by further developing preventive measures and firmly announcing and educating the relevant rules to their officers and employees.
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