1996-01-23 09:07
[ Maersk Line and Sea-Land announce unique global network ]
Maersk Line and Sea-Land Service Inc. have announced agreement on furt
her details of the operating alliance, plans for which were made publi
c in May 1995. The two companies have entered into agreements on deplo
yments and service details in the Transpacific and Asia-Europe trades.
Beginning mid-year, 1996, seven weekly line haul services will be offe
red between Asia and the Americas: 6 strings via the Pacific Ocean and
one string via the Suez Canal. In the Asia-Europe trade lanes, four w
eekly line-haul services will be offered.
This new operating partnership will allow Maersk and Sea-Land to offer
shippers faster transit time, more flexibility and more direct ports
of call.
The plan will take full effect in mid-1996, but part of the plan will
be put in place already late January enabling Sea-Land and Maersk to i
ntroduce several new features in the Transpacific trade.
Direct calls at Vancouver will begin on February 6 and the first call
at Laem Chabang, Thailand is scheduled for February 19. Similary, dire
ct service to Shanghai and Busan will begin early this year, with the
first call at Busan on February 7th and at Shanghai on February 10th.
Details for the Far East/Middle East, USA/Middle East, Intra European
and Intra Asia services will be finalised in the near future. Transatl
antic and South America trades will continue unchanged for the time be
ing, although enhancements are also being considered in those services