2000-12-19 16:48
North America -Australia / New Zealand carriers notify vessel sharing agreement
Four carriers serving the West Coast of North America and Australia /
New Zealand have notified and filed supporting documents of a propose
d Vessel Sharing Agreement (VSA) with the U.S. Federal Maritime Commis
sion (FMC) and with the Australian Department of Transportation. Aust
ralia / New Zealand Direct Line (ANZDL), Columbus Line, Fesco Ocean Ma
nagement Limited (FOML) and P&O Nedlloyd Limited (P&ONL) have submitte
d a plan for a two-sling rotation of 15 vessels providing shippers / c
onsignees twice-weekly sailings between West Coast North American port
s and Australia and New Zealand. The service will also call Tahiti an
d Fiji on alternate voyages northbound and Hawaii monthly. The propos
al is subject to review by the FMC and the Australian DOT. Assuming r
egulatory clearance, the new agreement and services will commence duri
ng the first quarter of 2001.