2000-06-15 18:13
Exports Break the Monthly Record for 5 months in a Row
Exports in May reached $14.7 billion, having continuously broken the m
onthly record for 5 months in a row, said the Ministry of Commerce, In
dustry and Energy. The rate of export increases stepped up 28.7 percen
t from 18.2 percent in April. Imports continued a slight decrease to $
13.33 billion after establishing a record ($14.21 billion) in March. T
he rate of imports dropped into the 40 percentile range.
The trade budget for May stayed in the black, amounting to $1,370 mill
ion. It is the first time the budget has shown a double digit number i
n trade surplus this year.
Exports rose 28.7 percent to $14.7 billion over the same month of las
t year, breaking a declining phase that started in March.
Export acceleration is understood by season's factor and longer custom
er clearance days.