APL today announced the addition of three new port calls to its weekly India Pakistan-Mediterranean Express Service (IPM). The new ports are Hamad and Aqaba in the Middle East, as well as Hazira in India. In addition, the IPM service will call Jebel Ali instead of Khor Fakkan on the new rotation.
The IPM service enhancement represents APL‘s continued effort in widening its presence in the Middle East and the Indian Subcontinent regions. In addition to the service’s current offering of direct connections between India, Pakistan and the Mediterranean markets, the improved IPM loop will enable shippers to also tap on APL’s global network at the major transshipment hub of Jebel Ali for further connectivity into the key Gulf ports.
The first sailing of the enhanced IPM service will commence from Jebel Ali on 7 January 2018, calling the ports of Jebel Ali, Hamad, Karachi, Mundra, Hazira, Nhava Sheva, Djibouti, Jeddah, Damietta, Piraeus, Malta, Aliaga, Mersin, Port Said West and Aqaba.
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