2001-06-01 14:28
Inchon Opens First International Passenger Terminal October 2
The Inchon New International Passenger Terminal held an opening ceremo
ny Oct. 2 and began terminal operation 3 years after groundbreaking.
According to MOMAF, the Inchon New International Passenger Terminal is
a modernized passenger composite facility with 1 story underground an
d 4 stories aboveground, costing 42 billion won from private capital.
It accommodates 2,000 passengers at a time and is well equipped with a
ll kinds of convenient facilities.
With this terminal open, passengers can expect moving between Korea an
d China to be smoother. Sea passenger traffic has grown to about 400 t
housand and additional trades between Korea and China are opening with
additional vessels deployed and frequencies increased, so the old tem
porary terminal is no longer capable of accepting the traffic load.
This new terminal will be titled "The Inchon First International Passe
nger Terminal" and will be utilized by vessels to run in Tandong, Dali
an, Shanghai and Yantian. The old temporary terminal will be named "Th
e Second International Passenger Terminal" and will be used for vessel
s going to Qingdao and Tianjin.
Meanwhile, MOMAF will increase vessel calling frequencies with one in
Inchon and Dalian trade going from 2 times a week to 3 times a week, a
nd also in Inchon and Tianjin trade, with the interval shortened to ev
ery 3 days from 5 days.